Our tandem workshop is run by John Hargreaves, who has very many years experience repairing tandems, and is one of the very first mechanics in the UK to gain the highly accredited Advanced Cytech qualification.  This is the bench mark in the cycle industry of a decent mechanic.

John has been repairing bicycles since he was a teenager, and over the last 15 years tandems have been his speciality.  Please do book your tandem in as we can only accommodate so many tandems at any one time.

All tandems will be assessed in our open plan workshop where you can discuss with John your concerns.  He will discuss the work needed, providing an estimate and collection date.  Where possible we do try to provide a same day service for our tandem customers, but this depends upon the amount of work your tandem needs.

Please do phone ahead, speak to John, and even if your tandem needs a lot of work this may be possible to achieve on a quick turnaround, but we need to discuss prior to your arrival any parts needed or wheels needing to be built.

Call us on 01756 748400 or email to

Orbit Tandems Logo
Cyfac Logo
Circe Logo
Hase Logo
Gepida Bikes Logo
Staerk Bikes Logo
Moustache Bikes Logo